Sample SEL Weekly Parent Letters during Covid-19
A big shout out of gratitude to Christy Dahl, SEL Counselor at Assumption- St. Bridget School, Seattle for sharing her SEL weekly parent newsletters to guide her parent community with hope and confidence.
Please read Christy’s weekly cover letter so you can see how the new resources are added to her newsletters to set a clear and positive pacing for families by grade bands. This exemplar could be used now, or perhaps in Fall 2020.
School Counselor Letter (3-13-2020)
School Counselor Letter (3-20-2020)
School Counselor Letter (3-27-2020)
School Counselor Letter (4-3-2020)
School Counselor Letter (4-10-2020)
School Counselor Letter (5-1-2020)
School Counselor Letter (5-8-2020)
School Counselor Letter (5-15-2020)
School Counselor Letter (5-29-2020)