NCEA New Leaders Academy

A brand new opportunity for principals in their first few years and for aspiring principals enrolled in an Educational Leadership program.

The New Leaders Academy is for early-career Catholic school leaders and is built around the four domains of the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools.

  • New Leaders Academy will consist of five live learning sessions, with professional learning network (PLN) groups and 1:1 executive coaching tied to the learning sessions and their content.
  •  NLA live sessions will be held on September 16, October 28, January 13, March 10, April 28 from 7-9p ET; PLN groups and 1:1 executive coaching will be scheduled based on availability.
  • The program cost is $2,500 for the year, 80% ($2000) of which is eligible for Title IIA. Scholarships are available on a limited basis. FACTS Education Solutions will work with you, your Diocese, and your LEA as needed to be able to ensure you are able to register for the program!
Contact Kelly Surapaneni at with questions.