Archbishop Etienne’s Pastoral Plan and Toolkit

Archbishop Etienne released the new Pastoral Plan, entitled:


Pastoral Plan | Archdiocese of Seattle 

The Vision: The outcome of a successful pastoral planning process will be a Church that reflects the Risen Christ to others. The goal is to help people have a conversion experience so they can draw closer to the Church and joyfully share Christ with the world today.

An Invitation to Encounter Jesus: The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, in partnership with Catholics, developed the new pastoral planning process, which invites people to prayerfully discern how we are living our faith and carrying out the mission of the Church. This process provides the vision to help people encounter Jesus. It is an invitation for parishes, schools, ministries and individuals to more faithfully live out the mission Jesus is calling them to. Archbishop Etienne invites all Catholics to reflect on the mission, focus areas and values.  View video in Spanish here.

Exploring the Focus Areas:  At the heart of our mission is a relationship with Jesus Christ. The pastoral planning focus areas are intended to help all Catholics re-examining and renew their relationship with Jesus. They are intentionally broad so that particular goals and actions may be developed according the unique circumstances, gifts and callings of each person, family, parish, school and ministry.

These are the focus and values of the new Archdiocese of Seattle pastoral planning process, “Knowing Jesus Christ, Embracing his Mission”: 


  • Encounter Jesus Christ and one another.  
  •  Accompany each other, as one human family, on the journey of discipleship.  
  • Live the unconditional love and joy of the Gospel.


  • Faith in Action  
  • Hope in Resurrection
  • Truth in Love
  • Unity in Diversity 

What can I do? Archbishop Paul D. Etienne is inviting all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Seattle to go deeper in their relationship with Jesus. While people can encounter Christ in many ways, here are a few simple steps to help guide you in your journey to encounter the Lord and share his love and joy with others.



Explore Toolkit of Resources

Northwest Catholic article