“Literacy is an on-going cognitive process that begins at birth. It involves the integration of listening, speaking, reading, writing and critical thinking. Literacy also includes the knowledge that enables the speaker, writer or reader to recognize and use language appropriate to a situation in an increasingly complex literate environment. Active literacy allows people to think, create, question, solve problems and reflect in order to participate effectively in a democratic, multicultural society.” Definition of Literacy – Washington State, 2012
This definition is a good start to understanding literacy and all it encompasses. Literacy in Catholic schools moves beyond the requirements of listening, speaking, reading and writing. We intentionally integrate the teachings of our faith within the context of the standards, throughout the school day and school year. What are the standards for listening, speaking, reading, and writing? How are the standards helping student prepare for college, career and heaven? How can I unpack the standards for my grade level? How do the standards develop across the grade levels? The Tool-Kit can help teachers and administrators develop a better grasp of the standards and how to employ and track them at each grade level.