GRACE 2020-2021 Newsletters

GRACE Newsletter Fall Quarter

GRACE Newsletter Winter Quarter

GRACE Spring Newsletter 2021

Guiding Regionally – Advancing Catholic Education (G.R.A.C.E.) is a program rooted in leadership development based off of the Professional Learning Community model (DuFour) and best practices around learning by doing. “Our profession… attests to the importance and power of learning by doing when it comes to educating our students. We want students to be actively engaged in hands-on authentic exercises that promote experiential learning.” (DuFour, p. 9 – Learning by Doing) We mimic that sentiment by applying best teaching practices to small, professional learning communities, meeting regularly and continuously looking at data, results and ways to continue growing and supporting students.

Currently our G.R.A.C.E. program is open to all classroom teachers and counselors in Seattle Archdiocesan PreK-8 schools, supported by their school principal and the Office of Catholic Schools. Meetings are held quarterly with an end-of-the-year symposium typically held in June, after schools are out for the summer break.