January 2021 MAP Updates

January Partner Update
To help ensure you have the latest information to support your use of MAP® Growth™ – be that remote or in person – this month’s communication provides details you need on important updates coming to MAP Growth, as well as guidance resources for remote testing.

You can also find current and past partner updates in the product update section [nwea.force.com] of our new and improved online community. [nwea.force.com]

Remote testing:

Early awareness for back-to-school 2021 tech readiness:

NWEA research updates:

How did COVID impact student learning? The data is in.

Comparability analysis of remote and in-person MAP Growth testing in fall 2020.

  • Using test scores from over 535,000 K-8 students in 147 school districts (92 operating fully remotely this fall, 55 offering in-person instruction to all students), this study provides insight into the comparability of remote versus in-school assessment.

Reminder – the following updates went into effect in November 2020:

Reminder – the following updates went into effect in October 2020:

System maintenance schedule

The System Maintenance calendar [nwea.force.com] includes dates for upcoming scheduled maintenance and software updates. To best plan your testing, be sure to check the schedule periodically to ensure no schedule revisions have been made.

We’re here when you need us—contact Partner Support

Need help? If the issue you’re experiencing isn’t urgent, visit our support page in the community, [nwea.force.com] where you can open a support case or chat directly with the support team. You can also email us at techsupport@nwea.org [mkto-g0180.com] or call us directly at 877-469-3287.