Fall 2023-Spring 2024
*updated on 1/24/24
This comprehensive PD program is designed to empower and elevate the skills and expertise of educators to excel in their classrooms and positively impact student learning outcomes. Over the course of this series, we will cover a wide range of topics and provide practical strategies, tools, and resources to support teacher’s professional growth and development as effective Catholic school educators.
Throughout this series, teachers will have opportunities to hear from professionals in a specific arena of education and learn from experts in their field. Teachers will also have access to resources and tools to support their professional growth beyond the series. All virtual sessions are online from 3pm-4:30pm to accommodate the teaching day.
The team at OCS is excited to embark on this professional development journey with all Catholic school educators and support their growth as effective and impactful educators!
REGISTRATION REQUIRED – registration can be found in the weekly Keystone Newsletter.
Session 1: Sept. 27th – 3pm-4:30pm
Topic: Creating a Culture of Assessment (Using Data)
Session 2: Nov. 29th – 3pm-4:30pm
Topic: Celebrating Student Neuro-Diversity and Nurturing a Culture of Dignity
Session 3: March 10th – 3pm – 4:30pm
Topic: Cultivating Positive Relationships with Parents and Your Community
Session 4: May 8th – 3pm-4:30pm
Topic: Effective Strategies for Meeting the Needs of Multilingual Learners
English learners are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. school population, and yet, most of our schools are under-prepared to meet the needs of this burgeoning population. Given that multilingualism is a superpower, and that communication can be the most inexhaustible source of joy and of frustration for some students, how do you as leaders and educators best serve your English learners? Join us for this professional development session in which we will address high-impact strategies and ways to create linguistically-rich classrooms in which multilingual learners are celebrated, supported, and challenged.
Session 1: Get to Know Your Data to Help All Kids Learn
Wednesday, September 27th (3:00pm-4:30pm)
Please join us for our first virtual PD session in a series sponsored by the Office for Catholic Schools. Katie Doyle from the NWEA will speak to connections between assessments and the NSBECS, how data is important to reaching standards, and how assessments guide instruction. She will cover important topics such as creating a building assessment culture and spend a part of her presentation showing which MAP reports are best for teachers and which ones are more informative for school leaders. She will stay on the call until 4:30pm to answer any questions with partner schools. 1 clock hour will be provided for synchronous attendance at the PD. No recordings will be available for this session. Audience: Teachers and School Leaders
Katie Doyle – katie.doyle@nwea.org
(Main Contact for Inquiries): Justyna King – justyna.king@seattlearch.org
Suggested Reading For Further PD in this Topic:
ASCD: Assessment Special Issue – article How Classroom Assessments Improve Learning (ascd.org)
YouTube video on Formative Assessment in Middle School: Formative Assessments: Using Feedback to Guide Instruction – Bing video
Assessment Empowerment 101 ebook: Assessment empowerment 101: What it is, why it matters, and how to do it – NWEA
The Best of Marshall Memo: Assessment for Learning (Assessment for Learning | Best Of Marshall Memo)
ASCD: Eight steps to becoming Data-Wise: Eight Steps to Becoming Data Wise (ascd.org)
Book study:
Data Wise, A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning (Edited by Boudette, City and Murnane.)
Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation by Shane Safir
Driven by Data: A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction by Paul Brambick-Santoyo