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MAY is Mental Health Awareness Month

May 1, 2022 - May 31, 2022

Mental Health Ministry

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

The Archdiocese of Seattle’s Mental Health Ministry provides resources, events and training for parishes and the wider community. Use this parish and school toolkit to help your parish or school community learn more about mental health this May. Find Catholic and secular resources and more on the Mental Health Ministry pageAssets in English and Spanish.

Mental Health Awareness Month | NCPD – National Catholic Partnership on Disability

Survivors of Suicide: A Journey of Faith, Hope and Healing on Vimeo The Archdiocese of Seattle’s Mental Health Ministry presented Survivors of Suicide: A Journey of Faith, Hope and Healing at it’s annual networking luncheon on May 11, 2022. We hope this video discussion can support family members, trauma specialists, and faith and ministry leaders on the impact of suicide on loved ones and the Church’s role in offering support.


May 1, 2022
May 31, 2022
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