School Safety is an important priority for all 72 Catholic schools throughout western Washington. The OCS works in partnership with many local, regional, Church and state agencies to secure helpful resources. The following OCS presentation provides a number of emergency planning resources, including tips for school security, building an emergency response plan, conducting drills, and mental health supports.
The Archdiocese of Seattle also provides additional resources through the Office of Property and Construction. Through the leadership of Ed Foster, Director, and his team, our Catholic schools have access to comprehensive resources and trainings.
SAFETY scroll down to find safety resources such as safety trainings, etc.
Then, the OSPI School Safety Center provides robust resources to districts and ALL schools to help in the development of high-quality emergency operations and safety plans. Feeling safe is fundamental for a positive learning environment. School safety builds a cycle of PREVENTION….PROTECTION….MITIGATION….RESPONSE…. and RECOVERY so schools are positioned well to handle any situation. Readiness and Emergency Management (REMS) for Schools has a REMS Guide with resources for planning. The REMS guide contains K-12 Key Topics that schools need to be mindful of in today’s world. School Climate and Emergencies resources help us all support local school campuses, building safety, relationships and engagement, and a careful review of the environment.
Safety Trainings are available for our schools through the Educational Service Districts (ESDs) in western Washington.
ESD 112
2500 N.E. 65th Ave. Vancouver, 98661-6812 (360) 750-7503 and Safety Services and SafeSchools
ESD 113
6005 Tyee Drive SW Tumwater, 98512 (360) 464-6700 and Safety Services and SafeSchools
ESD 114 – Olympic
105 National Ave. N. Bremerton, 98312 (360) 405-5801 and School Safety and Security Cooperative
ESD 121 – Puget Sound
800 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, 98057 (425) 917-7600 or (800) 664-4549
The PSESD Safety Co-Op strengthens safety services in school communities across the region through high quality training, networking, and coordination opportunities that are culturally responsive and trauma informed. The safety of students is a primary concern for educators, parents, and the community. The current global and regional climate requires heightened school preparedness efforts in response to a myriad of threats and hazards
ESD 189 – Northwest
1601 R Avenue Anacortes, 98221 (360) 299-4000 and School Safety
STUDENT SAFETY: Cyberbullying Research Center offers guidance for Livestreaming: Top Ten Tips for Teens
Click here for Emergency School Closure Information
Here is the King County template for Child Care Emergency/Disaster Preparedness Plan.