If you are interested in the Leadership Academy for the 2023-24 academic year, contact Kelly Surapaneni at kelly.surapaneni@seattlearch.org
The Office for Catholic Schools and the Fulcrum Foundation offer the Leadership Academy, a yearlong leadership development program for aspiring and new principals. Recognized Catholic school leaders and shareholders will teach courses in managerial, academic, spiritual, and strategic leadership. Working in solidarity to ensure a system of excellent Catholic schools, the Leadership Academy will provide the knowledge, skills, strategies and best practices for current and future school leaders.
Principal Certification, and Educational Leadership Masters Programs:
Here are the universities we have cultivated a relationship with in Educational Leadership. Many of these programs have rolling admissions periods and a 50% discount for full-time Catholic educators in the Archdiocese of Seattle. All of the universities below operate on a cohort basis. This provides a network of fellow aspiring administrators to collaborate with while pursing the degree/certificate.
Additionally, through the generosity of the Fulcrum Foundation donors, there are partial scholarships for these Educational Leadership programs. Click here for the Fulcrum Foundation Educational Leadership Grant Application.
Our Partner Universities:
CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY Phone: 402-280-2820 Contact: Ronald Fussell Email: ronaldfussell@creighton.edu
Website: https://www.creighton.edu/ccas/education/graduate/
GONZAGA UNIVERSITY Phone: 509-313-3664 Contact: soegrad@gonzaga.edu Website: https://www.gonzaga.edu/school-of-education/departments/graduate/leadership-administration
click here to register for a virtual tour Gonzaga’s Principal Certification program
UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME Phone: 574-631-9309 Contact: April M. Garcia Email: agarcia9@nd.edu Website: http://ace.nd.edu/leadership/
Click here for detailed brochure outlining the leadership program.
SAINT MARTIN’S UNIVERSITY Phone: 360-483-4333 Email: gradstudies@st.martin.edu Website: https://www.stmartin.edu/academics/programs-schools/college-education-counseling/areas-of-study/post-graduate-school-administrator-certification
SEATTLE UNIVERSITY Phone: (206) 296-5780 Email: edadmin@seattleu.edu Faculty Contact for Educational Administration: Ted Kalmus Email: kalmust@seattleu.edu Website: https://www.seattleu.edu/education/edadmin/
Seattle University College of Education Information Sessions for Educational Leadership and Masters in Teaching: https://www.seattleu.edu/education/admissions/information-sessions/
Application Deadlines: https://www.seattleu.edu/education/admissions/application-deadlines/
THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND–Contact: Pat Thompson Email: thompsop@up.edu Catholic Preliminary Administrator License Program Website: https://education.up.edu/graduateprograms/catholic-pre-al.html. For more information, fill out this form: Preliminary Administrators License (Pre-AL) – for Catholic School Leaders
THE UNIVERSITY OF LOYOLA, CHICAGO–Contact: Dr. Debbie Sullivan Email: dsullivan@luc.edu
Catholic School Leadership MEd. degree: https://www.luc.edu/gcce/degreescertificatesandprograms/
UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO– Catholic Educational Leadership Programs. Website: https://www.usfca.edu/education/programs/masters-credential-programs/catholic-educational-leadership
Email: schoolofeducation@usfca.edu Phone: 415-422-5467
For NEW (First Year) Principals and Aspiring Leaders – please join the CCSSCC – a coalition of diocese throughout the Western United States in quarterly meetings of new Catholic School leaders. More information can be found on the flyer (including registration links to the meetings!)