Credible Catholic from The Magis Center, use, and teach the free online middle school and high school supplemental faith formation materials developed by the Magis Center (Father Robert Spitzer).

What is CREDIBLE CATHOLIC? Free, online contemporary educational supplemental materials, geared to middle school and high school students which have been developed from the Magis Center, founder, Father Robert Spitzer, which integrate credible, innovative, and unique materials for Catholic Faith Formation. Credible Catholic is focused on presenting the intuitive balance of faith, science, and reason to better inform Catholics about their faith and prevent attrition from the Church.

These links to the Credible Catholic faith formation resources can assist your school community as classroom supplemental materials and are also vetted as a parent engagement resource.

The Credible Catholic 7 essential modules are available for your review and access NOW (about 5 – 6 topics per module – modules available in both Spanish and English).

Website: Science, Reason and Faith; Reality of Jesus; Happiness and Suffering; Spiritual and Moral Growth



TO BEGIN: Download Modules with teaching guides- label accurately; keep on a USB drive for easy usage; email Janell Whaley, if any technical difficulties.

Reference: CREDIBLE CATHOLIC PPT Overview provided by The Magis Center:  7 Essential Modules -CC Overview Presentation

CONTACT INFORMATION:  For additional inquiries about Credible Catholic content, please contact Janell Whaley, The Magis Center  or 773-597-5987.
Customer Service
Susan Medart
(949) 271-2727 ext. 4