School Office Mailing – August 2018
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Dear School Office Colleagues,
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful summer! As we gear up to begin the new school year, we wanted to check in as school offices start to get busy with life again. At the beginning of this school year, we also wanted to let you all know that we are currently in a transition between our old website ( and our new website ( Please bear with us during this transition as we live in two worlds, and note that the links included below connect you to resources in both the old and new sites. If you have any questions on where to locate a resource, or need access to anything, please don’t hesitate to contact Eugenia.
School Office Support Page: This page on our new site is going to become the landing page for school office resources. Currently it looks a lot like what was on the old site, but we will be continuing to adapt and add to the page this year so it can be designed for what you really find you need during the life of the school year. If there is anything you might find helpful, please feel free to let Eugenia know.
August Events & Trainings:
Monday-Tuesday, August 13-14: Kickstart All Principal’s Meeting, St. Thomas Church, Tukwila
Thursday, August 16: New Teachers’ Orientation 8:30am-3:30pm, St. Philomena School
Tuesday, August 21: Follett – DESTINY Library Software Training – AM – Small Issac Orr, The Chancery
Tuesday, August 21: MDI Formation Training from Maryknoll and Missions Office – Holy Rosary, Edmonds
Wednesday, August 22: MDI Formation Training from Maryknoll and Missions Office offered at the Maryknoll House, Capital Hill, Seattle
Thursday, August 23: 1st Diversified Learners Executive Committee Meeting at Isaac Orr Conference Room, The Chancery. 10 – 2 PM Lunch provided.
August Checklist:
– New Teacher Orientation– Have teachers register and attend
– Update staff online data and edit roles and positions in – CSED (Catholic Schools Employee Database) CSED Editing Tutorial
– Frontline Absence Management (Aesop) information
– Frontline Applicant Tracking (Applitrack) updates for ongoing hiring
– Locate resources to support Curriculum and Assessment this year
– Review Emergency Plan: Lockdown, Fire, Earthquake
– Review Records Retention Schedule for Archdiocesan Catholic Schools and Archives
– Apply for clock hours
– Confirm Safe Environment Participation and add sign off sheet to files. Background checks and trainings must be renewed every 3 years.
– Prepare for Government Programs consultation process
– Review School Handbooks for revisions and additions
If we can be of service, please contact us! Sandy Barton Smith or Eugenia Geisel