Blessed Oscar Romero’s Canonization – October 14, 2018
Blessed Oscar Romero was formally declared a martyr by Pope Francis in February 2015 and will be canonized a saint on October 14, 2018 alongside Pope Paul VI in Rome.
We hope the following resources from our partners are useful to commemorate his life and martyrdom, and will help you and your community reflect on what his witness means for our lives today. Consider using for October 14 or anytime throughout the year.
A prayer service in which we pray that we might speak out with the poor, as Blessed Oscar Romero did
A short prayer inspired by the witness of Blessed Oscar Romero
- Prayer Service: Remembering Blessed Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero: The People’s Saint and an Outspoken Voice for Justice (English only)
A double-sided handout including a reflection and discussion questions, information about the violence facing El Salvador today and a prayer.
Could be used as a bulletin insert!
A youth ministry session that explores Catholic martyrdom through the example of Blessed Oscar Romero
- Blessed Oscar Romero: God’s Microphone (English only)
A reflection that introduces legislative advocacy through the example of Blessed Oscar Romero, an advocate for oppressed people who encouraged others to be “God’s microphone” and speak up on behalf of their suffering brothers and sisters