School Office Mailing – November 2018

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Dear School Office Colleagues,

Happy November! We are grateful for you and all that you do for our Catholic Schools!

November Goal: Help us “tag” the TEACHERS of RELIGION!
Tagging a teacher of religion involves two steps…… identify employee position as TEACHER then assess grade level(s) and select subject: RELIGION. (Use the mighty pencil tool!) To verify the success of your your work, just
click here. If you have any questions about how to do so, please contact Eugenia so she can assist you, or review the CSED Editing Tutorial 2018

3 Helpful School Office Links at your fingertips!

Mission: We serve the information needs of the Church and civil communities by preserving and providing appropriate access to records documenting the history of the Catholic Church in Western Washington. Archival materials are maintained as evidence of our corporate and ministerial activities — enabling continuity in decision making, supporting programs, and facilitating historical research. We also oversee the management of current diocesan records, and we assist parishes and schools in the administration of their own records programs.
On October 25, 2018 Seth Dalby, Archivist, presented at the Principals’ leadership Meeting about the importance of managing your local records well. The ppt and handouts from this meeting may be of assistance as you manage your school’s local records. Please review: Records, Litigation, & HR PowerPoint

2 important ARCHIVE OFFICE links:

Archives and Records
Records Retention Policies

November Key Events:

November School Office Checklist:
-Mandatory State Compliance: Enrollment & Staff Reporting: The annual Enrollment and Staff report is due on November 15th. Please use your enrollment as of October 1st to complete this report. Please note that the State Board of Education is now the entity that controls this report, not OSPI. If you have questions about completing this report, or need a new EDS login, contact Click here to access the EDS system. Click here for instructions on how to complete the report. Make sure you “Submit” both enrollment and staff reports—“Saving” does not submit the report to this office.
– Review Safe Environment Plan and set dates for student participation (Virtus)
– Safety Plan review and prepare emergency closures and notify all of procedures (See Snow Procedures)
-Secure subs for GRACE teachers for January GRACE meetings.
-Begin planning for registration and re-enrollment. Include family income and home language surveys in re-enrollment forms (also available in Spanish on OCS website).

for your hard work to open wide the doors to our Lord, Jesus Christ!

If we can be of service, please contact us!
Sandy Barton Smith and/or
Eugenia Geisel