Update from your Missions Office – April 15, 2019
We wanted to let you know that the Missions Office and its staffing positions will be eliminated effective June 30, 2019. Several responsibilities of the Missions Office will fall to other Chancery offices, and we will be helping with the transition of those responsibilities as well as wrapping up the programs and commitments of the office that will no longer receive archdiocesan support. The official announcement from the Chancery can be viewed here.
The Missions Office in the Archdiocese of Seattle began its mission to “bring good news to the ends of the earth” in 1908. Over the past 111 years, the office has connected parishioners and students (and people of goodwill!) in Western Washington with the universal church’s mission and ministry, and with our neighbors on the margins here and overseas. With your help, we have sent and received missionaries and supported the poorest dioceses through The Pontifical Mission Societies; we have responded to natural and human-caused emergencies and supported life-saving development work through Catholic Relief Services, and fed hungry people in Western Washington and around the world through the CRS Rice Bowl Lenten program (we’re the #1 archdiocese in the country!); we have empowered people experiencing poverty to participate in the decisions and actions that affect their lives through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development; and we have supported the social mission of the Church through education, advocacy, and prayer. We are grateful for our valued partnerships and friendships – local, regional, national and international. Whether you are a Rice Bowl Coordinator, school teacher, parish staff, Parish Ambassador, a graduate of a JustFaith program, or other friend of ours, THANK YOU for your role in fostering God’s charity and justice in the Church and in the world. Grateful for your service, your Missions Office J.L. Drouhard and Kelly Hickman “In our human experience, change and fear entwine. But change is essential for growth. Change is a matter of the spirit.” – Archbishop Hunthausen