Winter MAP Testing 2021 Information


If you have questions that need an immediate response, please contact our Partner Support team

(1-877-469-3287) and remind them that you are with the Archdiocese of Seattle and that NWEA is handling your rostering in a different way than other partners.



We have some updates to consider with the MAP tests that I wanted to forward on to you from our NWEA partners. First, I am excited to hear that NWEA has ironed out many of the kinks that existed in the Spring and Fall of 2020 to ensure both remote testing and onsite testing is a smooth process for both students and testing coordinators.

On January 5th at 3:30pm, the NWEA  hosted a training for anyone who needed a review (or is learning for the first time) how to roster for the Winter Map Testing period. As a reminder, the window for rostering for the MAP Winter test begins Monday, January 4th, 2021 and ends Friday, January 15th at 3pm. Here is the link to that presentation and webinar:

Winter Rostering PPT

How to Roster for NWEA MAP_v1

Webinar Recording []

Our Winter MAP testing window will begin Tuesday, January 19th and close on Friday, February 12th at 3pm.

Some information (on the NWEA website) that you can bring back to your faculty with MAP testing since this Fall have included:

    • Accommodation considerations for remote testing
    • 3 remote testing tips from fellow educators
    • Spring 2020 remote testing research
    • How to flag students who are testing remotely

You can also find current and past partner updates in the product update section [] of the NWEA’s online community []

Remote testing:

    • Find out about a new way to reduce issues associated with pop-up blockers for students who are remote testing

The following updates are effective November 23, 2020:

    • MAP Growth now supports MacOS11 and iOS14

I look forward to providing support to your school during the MAP winter testing window (in my limited capacity to do so) J please feel free to reach out to me with questions. You can also find a lot of answers and support for our Seattle Archdiocesan schools on [] by signing in and clicking here. []