Fulcrum Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund Round 2
The Fulcrum Foundation application for Round 2 of the Fulcrum COVID-19
Emergency Relief Fund is now open!
In Round 1, we funded 60 schools for a total of $3,561,507! We are so grateful to the many
Fulcrum supporters and our Board of Trustees that have made this fund possible.
For Round 2, we created a new application and decision matrix taking into account all that
we learned in Round 1.
A few notes about the new application and Round 2 in general:
● This is not a rolling application cycle like Round 1. To be considered for Round 2
funding, schools must apply on or before February 24th
● If your school received funding in Round 1, you must submit your impact report on
or before February 24th
in order to be considered for Round 2.
● You are not asked to apply for a certain amount. Rather, we are asking you to
provide a detailed list of COVID-related expenses you expect through the end of the
fiscal year (June 30, 2021). You may also include items already purchased related to
COVID that were not in your budget and were not covered by any other Fulcrum
funding. Knowing the total amount of COVID-related expenses helps us determine
grants and aides in our fundraising efforts.
● Note that we are including COVID-related tuition assistance and decreased tuition
collection due to COVID in our list of expenses. Usually these are items on the
revenue side of things, but since they are significantly impacting schools and are
directly related to COVID, we wanted them included.
● We currently have about $1.1 million to distribute
As always, please call or email if you have any questions. I am happy to help! 206.683.8881
or susan.ocoma@fulcrumfoundation.org.