FREE WEBINAR: How to Accompany the Grieving after Suicide – 2.16

Many of us have experienced great loss, especially during Covid-19.  This webinar is intended to support you as you support others dealing with loss, especially suicide.

Join us Tuesday, February 16 at noon to learn more about how to create an effective mental health ministry.

Two of the biggest concerns of those who grieve the death by suicide of a loved one is a lack of support from the Church and believing the Church teaches that their loved one is probably in hell. Join Most. Rev. John Dolan, auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, and Deacon Ed Shoener of the Diocese of Scranton—founders of the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers—as they address those issues head-on. They will delve into the hard questions that come up in the wake of a suicide, focusing on levels of culpability in choosing right from wrong with respect to mental health, and how medical science and psychology inform Church teaching and ministry.  Using examples from across the country, Dolan and Shoener will present practical ideas for accompanying the grieving after suicide and describe how to create an effective mental health ministry.

To register, please click here.

 Ave Maria Press is pleased to present these FREE webinars in partnership with In Word and Witness, the National Association for Lay Ministry, the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers, and the Catholic Campus Ministry Association.