THE MATH GAMES! The Results are IN!


BIG thank you to Seattle Prep and the masterfully successful Kerry Hollenberry, Math Teacher Extraordinaire, for organizing aned executing an excellent 21-22 MATH GAMES event late Ocotber!

Math Games was a Spook-tacular success! Imagine zombie eyeballs and spiders, relay graph racing, an “escape
room” with haunted houses, witches, ghosts, … fun!

Catholic schools represented in force, with 190 8th graders from 19 different schools – it was a collection of
math brainpower and SPIRIT that nearly blew the roof off the Seattle Prep gym! The following schools brought
some of the finest mathematicians to this amazing math celebration:

Special shout outs to our award winners:
Teamwork: St. Charles Borromeo Team 2
Tenacity: St. John Team 3
Spirit: Sacred Heart Team 3
and…. St. Catherine won $100 for its math department!

The top 3 scoring teams (in no order):

ASB Team 1
St. Anne Team 1
St. Louise Team 2

The first 3 teams to escape from the “escape room”

St. Anne Team 1
St. John Team 2
St. Anne Team 2

Take a peek at the pictures too!  2021 Math Games Results Are In!!