2022-2023 Academic Calendar Template – Due March 31, 2022
Here is the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar. Please use this to complete your school calendar.
This calendar assumes 180 instructional days, with the starting date of September 6, and an ending date of June 16. We recognize that many high schools and some elementary begin earlier in September. As you are considering building your school calendar for 22-23, please note the following:
- Principal Meetings – We will continue the Zoom Meetings at 11:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
- Kickstart – Scheduled for August 8 & 9, 2023. We will confirm later if this will be Zoom or in-person.
- Retreat – We have scheduled our annual Principal retreat as an in-person experience. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide us to a great reunion! Please know that we are fully aware that this plan may need to change as the date nears, however we want you to be sure to place these dates on your calendars. Please do not schedule an Back-to-School Night or Curriculum Night meetings on September 21st, 22nd, or 23rd.
- High School Leaders, Marketing Teachers, GRACE Leaders will continue on Zoom per the listed schedule.
A copy of the calendar template has been sent to each principal. If you need assistance in completing the template for your school, please contact Janeal.grosinger@seattlearch.org. The templates are due back to OCS by March 1, 2021.
To complete the calendar template that is due to OCS, please open and use the template as an excel spreadsheet. Opening it as a Google Sheet causes several of the formulas to stop working.
If you have questions about the calendar template, please contact janeal.grosinger@seattlearch.org.