Prayer for 10/21/22 OCS Staff Meeting

Prayer for 10/21/22 OCS Staff Meeting


Who can we remember in our prayers this day?

For each of these members of the Family of God

We pray to the Lord.

Lord, hear our prayer.


Let us pray for that which we often take for granted –

a breath of fresh air.


Good and gracious God, we thank you for the simplest elements of our daily life that you provide for us – the air that we breathe. There are many things we just expect will be there but are amazed when they are not.


During these unusual times of unhealthy air in the Pacific Northwest we pray for

  • Those whose health is harmed by these smoky days
  • Those who’s homes are lost or at risk from the fires that caused this haze
  • Those who selflessly fight to control these fires


We are blessed by the freshness of your spirit every day. Please also bring us that breath of fresh air and the wisdom to not take it for granted.

We ask this in your name.
