School Office Mailing – September 2018
Monthly School Tasks— –OCS Facebook
My Catholic School Website
School Office Monthly Mailing Archives – click here.
Dear School Office Colleagues,
Happy start of the new school year! Under the leadership of Superintendent Kristin Dixon, we have reorganized our communications schedule for this 2018-2019 school year. Please see below for our new communications schedule:
The Bi-Monthly Newsletter, Keystone, will be sent to the principals, presidents and to the pastors the first and third Monday of the month. The Superintendent Keystone will contain all project updates, resources and professional development registrations.
All teachers will receive the GRACE newsletter containing all the important information and resources specific to professional learning communities, curriculum and instruction resources. Any information that the teachers receive will be contained in the Principal/President newsletter.
The local School Office Support Staff will be receiving a monthly electronic newsletter the 4th Monday of the month as part of our efforts to support this important role for you in the schools. Sandy Barton Smith and Eugenia Geisel will be the author of this newsletter. School Office Monthly Mailing Archives – click here.
Eugenia serves as administrative assistant and tracks key OCS databases including the CSED, AESOP, and AppliTrack. Eugenia will be out of the office through Tuesday, Sept. 4. If you have questions, surprises or concerns during this time, please call the OCS general phone line at (206)-382-4861.
3 Helpful School Office Links at your fingertips!
1. OCS POLICY MANUAL – School Policies – This link connects you with the 4 core sections of the OCS Policy Manual.
2. School Office Support Page – School office resources, best practices,and directions live here to support key databases- CSED, AppliTrack, and AESOP.
3. NEW! Resource Library – This resource dashboard is a new feature on our new website that we are populating heavily as we transition from old website to new website. Scroll and search to see how resources are being filtered so you can find what you need! We continue to house key databases and propriety content in MyDesk (old website)
CHANCERY PARTNER HIGHLIGHT: Parish Financial Services assists parishes and schools in all phases of financial management and operations. Director Scott Bader and team work faithfully to support our ministries. The PFS monthly newsletters contain pertinent info to help guide and advise. Please review the current AUGUST 2018 PFS Newsletter or visit PFS Archives Newsletters
Toll Free: 800-422-5417
Fax: 206-382-4279
Mailing Address: 710 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104-2017
September Key Events:
School Counselors Meeting – Friday, Sept. 14th 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Isaac Orr Conference Room, The Chancery. Mental Health Committee and the leadership of the Diversified Learners Committee are bringing high school and elementary school counselors together! Our agenda goals: 1) Compile an accurate and robust roster, 2) Opportunity for school counselors to meet, esp. within their regions, 3) Provide examples and time for each school to refine their school’s crisis plan, 4) Identify challenges facing each region in the area of mental health, and 5) Share resources for dealing with mental health issues. Counselors will be sent an invitation and registration directly – using work emails from the CSED database. For more information, Maureen Reid at
Wednesday – Friday September 19 – 21: School Leaders CIC Retreat, Seabeck Conference Center – Please help ensure your principal’s availability as soon as possible.It’s an important time for school leaders to be together.
September Checklist:
– Check new hires for background check and Safe Environment compliance. Background checks and online training must be renewed every 3 years. Questions? Email
– Practice fire, earthquake and lockdown drills (schedule for yearly practices).
– Send yearly student insurance letter. (See OCS Forms: Student Insurance)
– Continue to update staff online data and edit roles and positions in – CSED (Catholic Schools Employee Database) CSED Editing Tutorial
– Frontline Absence Management (Aesop) information and information for teachers
– New Substitutes? Please review this page for your own reference and direct them to complete this paperwork. They must submit this paperwork prior to subbing.
– Frontline Applicant Tracking (Applitrack) updates for ongoing hiring
THANK YOU for your hard work to open wide the doors to our Lord, Jesus Christ!
If we can be of service, please contact us!
Sandy Barton Smith and/or
Eugenia Geisel