Bridge Disability Ministries Conference – May 15, 2019

2019 Bridge Disability Ministries Conference -May 15, 2019

1-Day Regional Conference – Diversity in Unity: Imagining Our Faith Communities Differently

Our Speakers:
Maria Eugenia Cornou PhD, Author and Speaker, is Pro-gram Manager for Intercultural Learning at Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, an affiliate of Calvin University. From Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dr. Cornou taught Biblical Studies and served as Administrative Director at International Baptist Theological Seminary. Her unique back-ground and global experience lend her keen insight into an understanding of inclusion based on creative purpose.
Barb Newman, M.A., Speaker and Consultant, holds her teaching certificate with cognitive impairment endorsement from Grand Valley State University in early child-hood education and developmental delay with a concentration in autism spectrum disorders. Barb is the Director of Church Services at CLC. Her extensive experience in the field provides insight to agencies and churches working and serving in the field of disability.

DATE: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
TIME: 9:00am –4:00pm
PLACE: Westminster Chapel / Bellevue

Churches & Organizations– 4+ Attendees: $110
Individual: $30
For more info contact: Bill at 425/471-4530
Dima at 503/462-5948
*Lunch and refreshments provided*