Professional Development-Join an Accreditation Team for 2021-2022

Looking for unparalleled Professional Development?
Join an Accreditation Team! 

The majority of our Catholic schools participate in WCEA (Western
Catholic Education Association) protocol for their accreditation

Our elementary schools and our high schools are always
looking for educators to participate in a 3-day onsite (or in this day
and age, virtual) school visit – which includes reading through the
accreditation school’s self-study, participating in a collaborative
effort often led by superintendents or school leaders outside of our
Seattle Archdiocese, and recommending improvement efforts for
that school. Most participants who complete accreditation cycles
volunteer over and over again to participate – it is incredible
professional development and a great way to meet other educators
in our diocese!

If you are interested in participating for 2021-2022,
fill out the gravity form below.  Email Janeal Grosinger, at  with any questions.

All participants are eligible for clock hours for their time (and remember
– you must apply for clock hours ahead of time).