In an effort to stay connected, share resources, information, experiences, and wisdom, regular virtual meetings have been scheduled to support each other through this unprecedented time. Below you will find a listing by date of all upcoming “Meetups”. Follow the link to join the conversation! Please note, some Meetups are private and will be noted as such.
Arrupe Virtual Learning Institute-We are the leading resource for technology-infused Catholic education. Our mission is to provide the best online and blended college preparatory coursework for students, professional development for educators, and collaborative opportunities for Catholic schools.
Early Learning Virtual Events:
Licensed Program Webinars: 2nd Thursday of the Month at 4:15pm
Early Learning Roundtables: 3rd Thursday of the Month at 4:00pm
Seattle University-OCS Easter 2021 On Demand Retreat
Easter 2021: with Dr. Marcus Mescher, Xavier University
The Center for Social Transformation and Leadership, in partnership with the Office of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Seattle, is pleased to present this on-demand Easter Retreat. Dr. Mescher facilitates a powerful reflection on the meaning and graces of Resurrection in our lives.
How to use this webinar:
As you watch the webinar, Dr. Mescher will invite you to pause and reflect on the questions he poses. We suggest either individually or communally pause and reflect on the questions. When this webinar was recorded, a small group of participants found the conversation during these reflection moments to be powerful and edifying. We encourage you to take this time of meditation or conversation. The total run time for the retreat experience, time for reflection included, is approximately one hour.
Dr. Mescher also provides a handout to accompany the retreat. The link may be found here.
FACTS Education Solution Webinars–Available on Demand
Here is the link to all the offerings and the registration information to share: All FACTS PD OnDemand offerings at:
Topics Include:
- Transitioning Back-to-School: Planning Now for the 2020-2021 School Year
- Students and Academics: Elementary and High School
- SEL: Teachers and Faculty
- Concluding the School Year
- Building Relationships and SEL in Our Virtual Learning World
- Strategies for Teaching Early Learners Remotely
- Alternative Assessment and Evaluation (Elementary, Middle School, High School)
- What Students Need Most During Distance Learning
- Educator Wellness: Put on Your Oxygen Mask First
- Differentiate, Individualize, and Personalize During Distance Learning
NCEA Webinars:
NCEA New Leaders Academy (in collaboration with FACTS)
A new opportunity for principals in their first few years and for aspiring principals enrolled in a Educational Leadership program.
The New Leaders Academy is developed for early-career Catholic school leaders and is built around the four domains of the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools.
- New Leaders Academy will consist of five live learning sessions, with professional learning network (PLN) groups and 1:1 executive coaching tied to the learning sessions and their content.
- NLA live sessions will be held for the 2021-22 school year on: DATES TBD
- PLN groups and 1:1 executive coaching will be scheduled based on availability.
- The program cost is $2,500 for the year, 80% ($2000) of which is eligible for Title IIA. Scholarships are available on a limited basis. FACTS Education Solutions will work with you, your Diocese, and your LEA as needed to be able to ensure you are able to register for the program!
NCEA Virtual- A great listing of resources for the 2020-21 school year and professional development on demand workshops.
Using Focus Skills to Close COVID-19 Learning Gaps-July 15th @ 2:00pm ET (recorded)
In recent dialogues about educational equity and the “COVID Slide,” many authors and agencies have recommended that we focus on “the most critical skills” at every grade level. But few have provided definitive guidance on identifying them.
Pioneering content development work by Renaissance has identified the reading and math skills that lay the foundation for future learning and are the most important for a given grade level, making them essential and non-negotiable. These are Focus Skills.
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction-Educator Page (OSPI)
University of Notre Dame:
University of Notre Dame fACE to fACE webinar series:
A series of weekly, interactive conversations on critical issues facing Catholic schools.
Playback from prior sessions: Recordings of the fACE to fACE sessions
- School’s Back in Session: Lessons Learned in the First Weeks of the 2020 School Year
- Fostering Students’ Resilience in Traumatic Times
- Cultivating Community in the Classroom When Distance is the Norm and more
Changing Our World, Inc-Advancing Our Church Podcast:
See Vivian Shannon, Executive Director of the Fulcrum Foundation and Kristin Moore, Director of Marketing and Enrollment’s podcast sessions.
NCEA Podcast:
University of Notre Dame Higher-Powered Learning Blog (Blended Learning):
OTIS for Educators:
Upcoming October Webinars – Many of these workshops are how to optimize the Google educator tools.
Solution Tree Webinars:
Minding the Gaps Three-Part Webinar Series (Recorded)– Every year, educators face the challenge of supporting students who lack the prerequisite knowledge and skills needed for success in new grade-level curriculum. This problem will be exponentially worse this coming fall, as most students have missed significant direct instructional time due to school closures.
Listing of past/future Solution Tree Webinars
Common Sense Media Webinars: (new weekly webinars and prior webinars)
Wallace Foundation Insights- (complete with articles & links)
CharacterStrong Webinars:
CharacterStrong offers comprehensive solutions for effective and sustainable school culture change. There are professional development materials and experiences for student development, teachers, and leaders.
Learning Forward Webinars:
Learning Forward Weekly Webinar Information
EdWeb Upcoming November Webinars (free):
Corwin Webinars:
Corwin Events: An link to ongoing events hosted by Corwin