Distance Learning Chromebook Alternatives
Distance Learning Chromebooks Alternative
Distance Learning Chromebooks Alternative
O’Dea is offering two Professional Development events in 2020. Both events will offer sessions on Technology Integration and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programming. So please save these dates and […]
The Chancery created an Archdiocesan Technology Task Force to create a five-year technology plan for parishes, schools, the Chancery, Cemeteries, along with Fulcrum and CCS/CHS. This plan will embrace our […]
This is the Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic schools technology statement of direction. The Archdiocese of Seattle school board reviewed and approved this document in June 2016.
Classroom Wi-Fi Network Infrastructure Plan This is a template for IT infrastructure cabling design to provide guidance for classroom Wi-Fi network projects. The plan is a series of diagrams cabling […]