Inclusion Ministry presents Families Growing Together Series- 7/18, 8/1, and 8/15!
Families Growing Together Series: You are invited to an hour of community, prayer, and reflection via Zoom for people who have disabilities and their families.
The (Arch)diocese of Region XII have decided to host a series of webinars for our Inclusion Ministry community. Please feel free to distribute this flyer to anyone who might be interested in attending. We will be offering simultaneous translation in Spanish during all three webinars.
Saturday, July 18 – The Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon is hosting the webinar. 10 a.m. PDT (11 a.m. MDT)
Saturday, August 1st – The Diocese of Idaho is hosting the webinar with our own Deacon Pierce Murphy! 10 a.m. PDT (11 a.m. MDT)
Saturday, August 15th – The Archdiocese of Seattle, Inclusion Ministry Committee is hosting the webinar. 10 a.m. PDT (11 a.m. MDT)
For more information, contact Kelsey Bell or 503-233-8399.
VirtualFamilyRetreat_2020_flyer-ENG Please share flyer with families in your communities.