Elementary SEL School Counselors Mtgs – 20-21

Through Spring 2020, our Catholic schools learned quickly the impact of effective mental health supports for students and adults. Two key Elementary SEL Counselors who were instrumental in sharing resources an SEL networking support  were Katie Denniston, Our Lady of the Lake School, Seattle and Christy Dahl, Assumption-St. Bridget School, Assumption. THANK YOU!

It is with gratitude, that I thank and welcome Katie and Christy who will co-chair the Elementary SEL School Counselors Committee this school year.  Networking closely will be pivotal in our common approach to serving all in our care, especially during Covid-19. The Elementary SEL Counselors will be meeting on the third Thursday of each month from 2:30- 3:30 pm via Zoom.  For full mtg schedule, click here.

We are trying to convey this invitation to all elementary SEL counselors to share this invite and build an alliance of expertise or offer assistance to each other.  Can you help us spread the word?

If interested, please contact:

Katie Denniston, OLL Seattle, SEL School Counselor, KDenniston@OLLseattle.org

Christy Dahl, ASB Seattle, SEL School Counselor, cdahl@asbschool.org