PSESD PD Offerings – UDL: Equality, Equity and Inclusive Practices
3 part series through Puget Sound ESD (Audience: Diversified Learners)
The Case for UDL: Equality, Equity and Inclusive Practices: IPP Module 1 – NO COST
October 15, 29, and Nov.12, 2020 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Module 1: In this first Inclusionary Practices Project (IPP) Module, The Case for UDL: Equality, Equity, and Inclusive Practices, participants will develop an understanding of equality and equity for students in the classroom. Educators will consider how to remove barriers to allow all students access to high quality core curriculum with a tiered support system. The Diffusion of Innovation theory will help participants understand how the implementation of new ideas can be maximized by focusing on the early adopters. This module will provide leadership teams with an understanding of the why and how of implementing inclusive practices within their building.
This training will take place via Zoom, Clock Hours available. October 15. Register on PDEnroller:
Module 2: Learner Variability and Barriers to Learning: Oct. 29th. Register on PDEnroller:
Module 3: Leading Implementation of Inclusionary Practices at the Building Level: Nov. 12th. Register on PDEnroller:
Questions? Keely Hogan (425) 917-7627
Find a list of all PSESD Special Services 2020-2021 Networks and PLCs HERE.