Religion and Family Life – Support and Publishers

Dear School Leaders,

As you are completing this year and planning for next year, the Religion publishers are ready to help support your work with materials and/or training. If you are seeking new religion or Family life textbooks or just need updates or training, the Religion publishers are ready to help!

The RELIGION CURRICULUM tab on the OCS website is where the PreK-8 and High School religion standards reside, plus so many additional resources and information.  Religion Curriculum – My Catholic School

FAMILY LIFE/CHASTE LIVING Curriculum:  We teach human sexuality in the context of our Catholic faith. OCS policy and guidance has been developed for Family Life and can be shared with your religion/theology teachers. Family-Life-Policy-and-Implementation-Guidelines-2018.pdf (  Approved Family Life – Chaste Living textbook lists are stated on the USCCB’s Textbook Conformity Review list that is updated regularly. The  RCL – Benziger Family Life K-8 program is an approved selection.

Additionally, the Archbishop can approve additional religion textbooks, resources with an imprimatur.  An Imprimatur is an official license by the Roman Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or religious book – it is that stamp or guarantee that something is of a good standard. An example of an imprimatur at the high school level for religion textbooks is ProLife Curriculum: Principles and Choices  (Grades 9 – 12) from Healing the Culture. This imprimatur is from Archbishop Sartain.

RELIGION PUBLISHERS’ REPRESENTATIVES and CONTACT INFO: These are some of the representatives I work with and are ready to support you:

RCL BENZIGER-FAMILY LIFE – Kendall Hunt: Janet Schmitt, Sales Representative for our region. RCL Benziger [] or  Kendall Hunt ph:916-335-9888

SADLIER: Perla Bonilla, Regional Manager, Western Division. ph: 619-361-9023

LOYOLA PRESS: Susan Appleton, Educational Consultant. Cell: 415-209-3798,  Office: 800-256-0589 x 213 email:

CREDIBLE CATHOLIC: Janell Whaley, The Magis Center Regional Director of West U.S. ph: 773-597-5987,

PROLIFE CURRICULUM Principles and Choices: Healing the Culture. (360) 243-3811. Camille Pauley and Father Robert Spitzer’s work. Life Principles courses for middle school and high school, and teacher training plus High School curriculum, Principles and Choices.