Message from the Superintendent

Like all of you, I reacted to the news this past week regarding the senseless death of George Floyd with horror, disbelief and sadness.  With ever-increasing tensions, we pray that all our students may truly encounter the woundedness of those who live on the margins.  In this time of Pentecost, we pray that each of us will call on the Holy Spirit to work in us and allow us to be disturbed by what we see and hear.  And, we pray that each of us may truly respond as the workers in God’s vineyard seeking both peace and justice.   In Archbishop’s recent Statement on Racism, he shared:  “The senseless taking of life defies the fundamental principles of justice, every notion of dignity and the fact that all of our lives are connected.  As human beings, we are responsible for each other.” 

ComeHoly Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.  Amen.